Total Vision based near Barrington, Somerset
Total Vision also has Broadcast HD facilities in house for low-budget projects, TV work and helping Actors with their show reels.
JustFor1Day from Barri Hitchin on Vimeo.
Nominated by the British Council, in their Shakespeare Lives 2016.
Keen to promote a non tie-acting approach to Shakespeare as seen with his Winters Tale on VIMEO.
Via the incessant chatter and horseplay of Westminster, and a shrimp sunset inspired by Turner.
Why not view his Anger Management piece also?
Was delighted to meet and work with Fred Zinnemann in 1984/5 and capture his memories of the old days of Hollywood and the making of the classic High Noon.

Film-fanatic currently prepping TMC, a 100 minute Feature Film in 2:39 Scope.
A feathery start to a cat amongst the pigeons. This sinister tale of spooks, the spooked,
mystic roundels and an honest hack reveal unlikely heroes.
They know where you are – even on holiday.
Welcome to the New World Order.
BFI entry: 1983 Human Resources for the Charles Barker Group.